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Our dry eye blog — Eyewear Accessories

Expert advice from our Dry Eye glasses specialist

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Our experienced Dry Eye Glasses specialist, John Waddington can give you fitting advice in either of the following ways or a combination of them, whichever suits you.

Find out more about our specialist's background and experience

Phone appointment

John can provide advice over the phone on choice of moisture chamber and protective glasses and sunglasses. If you have a specific query, for example, about delivery, sizing, or which colour of lenses to choose, he can answer it promptly for you.

Helping customers over the phone

If you are looking for more general help...

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We've expanded our 7eye AirShield and Ziena Eyewear ranges to give you more choice

7eye Churada 7eye Warrior Eyewear Accessories Eyewear Accessories Ltd moisture chamber glasses light reactive moisture chamber glasses photochromic moisture chamber glasses polarised Ziena Kai

We have increased our range of lens and frame options for our moisture chamber glasses.

Eyewear Accessories sells 7eye and Ziena brands of eyewear only with high performance 7eye SharpView lenses. They guarantee optimum optical clarity and maximum UV protection. These lenses are also shatterproof and anti-fog coated.

Which lenses have we introduced?

We have introduced two additional types of SharpView lenses for the 7eye Churada and the Ziena Kai:

Polarised lenses

For people sensitive to bright sunlight, Polarised lenses provide a higher level of glare protection, specifically by diffusing reflected glare from bright or shiny objects.

Light-reactive lenses

Useful if you are...

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How 7eye AirShield glasses give four-in-one protection for sensitive eyes

7eye AirShield 7eye glasses best sunglasses for light sensitivity dry eye syndrome glasses dust allergy glasses dustproof glasses Eyewear Accessories hay fever glasses moisture chamber glasses releive dry eye sympstoms ways to relieve dry eyes wind protection glasses

For many of our customers, wearing 7eye glasses has been life changing, enabling them to rediscover outdoor pursuits that had become impossible due to their eye condition.

Find out how 7eye AirShield's unrivalled four-in-one eye protection offers new hope for anyone who suffers from sensitive eyes.

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Don't let dry eyes ruin the summer!

dry eyes dry eyes air conditioning dry eyes aircon Eyewear Accessories moisture chamber glasses moisture chamber sunglasses

Wearing moisture chamber sunglasses and glasses reduces tear evaporation, providing relief for dry eye sufferers. They will keep out dust, pollen, and will reduce the drying effect of hot summer weather, keeping your eyes comfortable and moist.

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