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Our dry eye blog

The silent culprit behind many a dry eye

central heating dry eyes dry eyes central heating

If you are prone to suffering dry eyes, the autumn and winter months can be one of the worst times.

The silent culprit in exacerbating many seasonal dry eye problems is central heating.

Once it gets cold enough that you need the heating on all day, the atmosphere in your home becomes very dry.

central heating radiator

This results in your eyes drying out as the water in your tears evaporates, until you experience a gritty feeling, or a feeling that there is a foreign object in your eye.

woman suffering from dry eyes

So what can...

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Looking for a UK stockist of older 7eye or Ziena products such as the Briza or Churada?

7ey Maestro stockist UK 7eye Briza stockist UK 7eye Buran stockist UK 7eye Churada stockist UK 7eye Marin stockist UK 7eye Rocker stockist UK Ziena Oasis stockist UK Ziena Seacrest stockist UK

As the UK's distributor for 7eye and Ziena glasses and goggles, Eyewear Accessories is in a unique position to source products from the manufacturer that we no longer hold in stock.

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Love walking but hate the wind? Wear 7eye AirShield glasses and put the enjoyment back in walking

For anyone who enjoys walking, the arrival of cold Autumnal winds comes as a bit of a shock. It's time to don your fleece, woolly hat and windproof jacket so you can brace yourself against the wind.

Do you put up with your eyes watering in the cold?

That's all good to cover up your body and your head, but what about protecting your eyes? Do you put up with your eyes watering in the cold, or your eyes feeling sore and dry, and the sensitive skin around your eyes feeling chilled and windblown?

Walking outdoors in Autumn and Winter doesn't need to...

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Why you won't find moisture chamber glasses on the high street

7eye stockists UK Body Specs stockists UK hay fever glasses stockists uk moisture chamber glasses stockists moisture chamber glasses stockists uk stockists windproof glasses stockists uk Ziena stockists UK

You won't find 7eye, Ziena, or Body Specs glasses on the high street because they are too specialised to be stocked by opticians or outdoor clothing shops.

Ordering your glasses online through Eyewear Accessories is actually much better for you, the customer, rather than trying them on for a few minutes at a high street store.

Buying from Eyewear Accessories gives you a wider choice of dry eye glasses, at lower prices, and you can benefit from our expert advice and after sales support.

Also, you get a unique opportunity to try out the glasses fully at your leisure in the actual environment...

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Suffering dry eyes through Sjögren's syndrome? Our glasses can help

7eye uk dry eyes sjogren's dry eyes sjogren's syndrome treatment light sensitivity Sjögren's syndrome moisture chamber glasses uk ziena glasses uk

If you are one of the many sufferers of Sjögren's syndrome you will know that one of the commonest and debilitating symptoms is severe dry eyes.

woman suffering from dry eyes 

You will find that your eyes feel sore and tired, your eyelids may be swollen, and your vision blurred. Your symptoms are likely to be worst when the air is dry, which may be due to drying factors such as wind, air conditioning, or central heating.

You will also probably find that your eyes are very sensitive to the sun's...

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