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Get to the front of the queue - Three reasons to place your order as soon as possible!

You can order any products from our website at any time, 365 days of the year.

And, although we are not dispatching new orders until 3 January, here are three reasons to place your order as soon as possible, rather than delay until we re-open.

1. Be among the first in the queue to receive your order

From 3 January we will be dispatching orders strictly in the sequence that they came in over the Christmas and New Year break.

The sooner you place your order, the nearer the top of the queue you will be.

We aim to dispatch on 3 January the first 20 orders that we have received up to that date, while later orders will be dispatched on subsequent days next week.

2. Secure the product you want while stocks last

There is huge demand for our products at the moment and this is making stocks run out fast.

wind protection glasses

Products that are particularly in demand are those that have a seasonal focus such as anti-glare night driving lenses and glasses to stop your eyes watering in the cold wind.

anti-glare night driving glasses

We only hold small quantities of each product, so the sooner you place your order, the less likely you are to be disappointed.

We will be replenishing our stocks in mid to late January, but you may have to wait up to a month for the product you want if you leave placing your order till next week.

3. Avoid 2023 price rises

We are maintaining 2022 prices on items that we currently hold in stock, but there are likely to be unavoidable price increases in January 2023 as we start to receive deliveries of new stock at a higher cost.

By ordering before 3 January, you are more likely to be buying out of current stock before prices increase.

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