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Our dry eye blog — watering eyes

I can't see for tears! How can I stop my eyes watering outdoors?

7eye AirShield glassses 7eye goggles 7eye windproof goggles golf watering eyes how to keep the wind out of your eyes stop eyes watering in cold weather watering eyes windproof cycling glasses windproof glasses

"I can't see when I'm outdoors on a cold day. I have to stop every few minutes to wipe the tears away. It's so frustrating and dangerous - can your eyewear stop my eyes from watering?"

wiping the streaming eyes from my face

Fortunately, it's the easiest to solve

At this time of year, watery eyes is one of the most common problems that people contact us about.

Fortunately, for most people this can be easy to solve. 

Simply wear 7eye AirShield wind blocking glasses next time you go outdoors on a cold windy day. 

Wearing 7eye...</p>

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