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Our dry eye blog — sleep goggles for dry eyes

Don't let dry eye syndrome rule your life! It doesn't have to...

Blephasteam dry eye syndrome moisture chamber glasses for dry eyes moisture chamber goggles sleep goggles for dry eyes

To an outsider, dry eye syndrome may be invisible, yet for sufferers like me it is a debilitating condition that can all too easily dictate how you spend your life.

common symptoms of dry eye syndrome

If you have dry eye syndrome, you may have to make significant life choices to mitigate your symptoms.

Examples of these include:

  • quitting your job because the work environment is too uncomfortable (for example an air conditioned office, warehouse, supermarket, commercial kitchen)
  • no longer travelling abroad by plane (due to the air conditioning)
  • stopping driving because your eyes have become too light sensitive
  • giving up...

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