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Our dry eye blog — stop eyes watering when i go outside

Don't let watering eyes stop you enjoying walks when it's cold and windy!

glasses to stop eyes watering in cold weather how to stop eyes watering insulated sunglasses to stop eyes watering stop eyes watering stop eyes watering in cold weather stop eyes watering in cold wind stop eyes watering outdoors stop eyes watering outside stop eyes watering when cycling stop eyes watering when i go outside stop eyes watering when outdoors

Many people suffer with their eyes watering excessively when the wind blows. It is triggered in the Autumn when the wind starts cooling down.

Rather confusingly, this is a common symptom of dry eye syndrome.

eyes watering

If you experience this condition and it is affecting your enjoyment of being outdoors, whether for walking, cycling, sailing, golf or tennis, our glasses and sunglasses with protective gaskets can, in most cases, stop or significantly lessen the problem of excessive tearing.

Wearing my Ziena glasses has enabled me to...

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How can I stop my eyes watering in cold and windy weather?

7eye glasses eyes watering in cold weather eyes watering outdoors eyes watering outside Glasses to stop the wind how to stop watery eyes stop eyes watering stop eyes watering when i go outside watery eyes wrap around glasses for dry eye wraparound glasses for dry eye

If you suffer from watery eyes when you are outside in cold, windy weather, wearing windproof glasses or sunglasses can quickly make a big difference.

wearing windproof sunglasses

This specialist eyewear is like normal wraparound glasses but with the added protection of a soft gasket that compresses around your eye sockets, helping to keep out the wind and dust when you are outdoors.

windproof sunglasses

Normally the gasket is removable so you can clip it in as and when conditions require added protection.

How do I choose the best glasses for my needs?

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