The UK is one of the most prevalent countries in the world for cases of hay fever and it's getting worse.
In research by Allergy UK, a massive 49% of people reported experiencing hay fever symptoms.
Is hay fever getting worse?
Looking a bit deeper into the statistics there is evidence that some types of pollen are getting more severe, while other types are starting earlier in the year or lasting for a longer period
Tree pollen
Oak tree pollen seasons are starting earlier and lasting longer, but are not becoming more severe, while birch tree pollen seasons are not changing in length but are becoming more severe due to increased pollen levels.
Grass and weed pollen
The grass pollen season is not becoming longer or more severe, but the first high-count day is getting earlier.
Stop the pollen from causing itchy eyes
The most effective way to stop itchy eyes is to stop the pollen getting in.
Wraparound sunglasses and cheap hay fever glasses just don't hack it. They won't keep pollen away comprehensively from your eyes or the skin around them where pollen lands and accumulates.
The only hay fever sunglasses that really pack a punch when it comes to blocking pollen are:
- 7eye AirShield
- Ziena Eyewear
They are now well established as the leading brands in the field of dry eye and hay fever relief. Eyewear Accessories is the UK distributor for both brands and also ships the glasses to most destinations all over the world.
The distinguishing feature of the 7eye AirShield and Ziena Eyewear ranges of protective glasses and sunglasses is the soft and comfortable moisture and pollen barrier (called an eye cup) that attaches discreetly to the back of the rims of the sunglasses.
The eye cup blocks pollen and that stops eyes itching fast.
Ziena Eyewear
7eye AirShield

Use your hay fever sunglasses year after year
If you suffer hay fever every year, these glasses are a sensible investment and a useful piece of kit to have.
Unlike cheap imitations, 7eye and Ziena glasses and sunglasses will last you more than the current hay fever season. You can bring them out year after year and they will do sterling service.
Itchy eyes can be a thing of the past. The only thing you need to ensure is buying a model with a well fitting eye cup and our website provides information to help you choose the best model for you.
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