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Our dry eye blog — stop eyes watering in cold wind

Spotlight on the 7eye Chubasco

7eye Chubasco dry eye glasses small fit small moisture chamber glasses smallest 7eye Airshield glasses stop eyes streaming outdoors stop eyes watering stop eyes watering in cold weather stop eyes watering in cold wind

The Chubasco is the smallest model of protective glasses in the 7eye AirShield range. If you are a petite adult, a teenager, or an adult with a narrow head shape, this is normally the best model to choose.

Chubasco tortoiseshell

This stylish, compact model of insulated glasses/sunglasses has a close-fitting wraparound frame with a well concealed AirShield eye cup fitted behind the rims. It is light and comfortable to wear, feels secure when you are wearing it so it won't easily fall off and, despite the protective AirShield layer around the rims, it gives more than adequate...

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Don't let watering eyes stop you enjoying walks when it's cold and windy!

glasses to stop eyes watering in cold weather how to stop eyes watering insulated sunglasses to stop eyes watering stop eyes watering stop eyes watering in cold weather stop eyes watering in cold wind stop eyes watering outdoors stop eyes watering outside stop eyes watering when cycling stop eyes watering when i go outside stop eyes watering when outdoors

Many people suffer with their eyes watering excessively when the wind blows. It is triggered in the Autumn when the wind starts cooling down.

Rather confusingly, this is a common symptom of dry eye syndrome.

eyes watering

If you experience this condition and it is affecting your enjoyment of being outdoors, whether for walking, cycling, sailing, golf or tennis, our glasses and sunglasses with protective gaskets can, in most cases, stop or significantly lessen the problem of excessive tearing.

Wearing my Ziena glasses has enabled me to...

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Want to get out for a winter walk but frustrated by watery eyes?

glasses to stop eyes watering in cold weather how to stop eyes watering insulated sunglasses to stop eyes watering stop eyes watering stop eyes watering in cold weather stop eyes watering in cold wind stop eyes watering outdoors stop eyes watering outside stop eyes watering when i go outside stop eyes watering when outdoors

It feels really bleak out there today. The wind chill created by the strong easterly winds is making the temperature feel like -10°.

But it's still good to get out for a winter walk. We put on our woolly hats, scarves, coat and gloves and we're all set. But not quite! 

My eyes water so much I am looking through a mist of tears

Many of us find that our eyes start watering as soon as we get out in the cold and the wind. It takes away much of the enjoyment of being outdoors if we can't see because our vision...

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Want to stop your eyes watering when you go outside? The answer is simple.

eyes watering outdoors eyes watering outside insulated glasses insulated glasses wind protection insulated sunglasses insulated sunglasses to stop eyes watering stop eyes watering stop eyes watering in cold wind watery eyes treatment

Do you find that your eyes water constantly when you go outside in the winter months? It's a frustrating problem, particularly if you're doing an activity in which clear vision is required all the time, such as golf or cycling.

Our insulated glasses stop watery eyes fast

Most people find that wearing 7eye insulated wraparound glasses / sunglasses stops or significantly reduces their watery eye problem fast and also makes their eyes less sore.**

It's a simple and proven solution - one that does not require invasive treatment or regular application of eye drops.

These insulated glasses have a discreet, comfortable eye cup that...

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Why do your eyes water when it is cold and windy?

7eye Airshield eyes streaming when its cold glasses to stop eyes watering in cold weather how to stop eyes watering how to stop watery eyes stop eyes watering in cold wind stop eyes watering outdoors stop eyes watering outside stop eyes watering when cycling watery eyes watery eyes cold wind watery eyes winter

It is a common experience for eyes to start watering excessively in cold weather, especially if it is windy.

The front of the eye becomes irritated by the buffeting air movement and this causes the tear glands to produce excess tears. In some cases watery eyes are exacerbated by other irritations such as blepharitis or conjunctivitis.

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