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Our dry eye blog — Body Specs stockists UK

A new alternative for dry eye and hay fever sufferers other than Body Specs flexible goggles

Body Specs flexible goggles body specs goggles Body Specs lightweight goggles Body Specs stockists UK cpap dry eyes cpap sleep goggles flexible goggles lightweight hayfever goggles moisture chamber goggles which moisture chamber goggles are the most effective

In the past, customers looking for affordable, flexible moisture chamber eyewear often chose Body Specs lightweight goggles.

We no longer stock Body Specs products but have replaced the flexible goggles with an alternative product which in many ways is more effective for hay fever and dry eye sufferers.

The new product is called Eyeseals 4.0 and it has quickly become our best selling product. Priced at only £43.50 plus delivery, Eyeseals are flexible goggles with a comfortable headband and a choice between clear or blackout lenses.

Where Eyeseals 4.0 improves on Body Specs flexible goggles is that:

  • its adjustable...

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Why you won't find moisture chamber glasses on the high street

7eye stockists UK Body Specs stockists UK hay fever glasses stockists uk moisture chamber glasses stockists moisture chamber glasses stockists uk stockists windproof glasses stockists uk Ziena stockists UK

You won't find 7eye, Ziena, or Body Specs glasses on the high street because they are too specialised to be stocked by opticians or outdoor clothing shops.

Ordering your glasses online through Eyewear Accessories is actually much better for you, the customer, rather than trying them on for a few minutes at a high street store.

Buying from Eyewear Accessories gives you a wider choice of dry eye glasses, at lower prices, and you can benefit from our expert advice and after sales support.

Also, you get a unique opportunity to try out the glasses fully at your leisure in the actual environment...

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