Our dry eye blog — dry eye relief
PC or mobile - which is better for your eyes?
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We when we focus on a PC screen for any length of time, our eyes get fixated by the digital display and our blink rate drops to a very low level. This soon leads to dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision.
OK, so far that's accepted scientific fact. But what about using a mobile? Is that better for your eyes than viewing a PC screen? Is it less likely to cause or exacerbate dry eye conditions?
Mobiles can be just as harsh...
A natural way to relieve dry eyes that reduces reliance on eye drops
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Worried that you rely too heavily on regular application of eye drops for daily relief of your dry eye symptoms? Suffering from increased eye irritation because of the preservatives used in artifical tears?
A call to action for healthcare professionals to raise awareness of the benefits of 7eye AirShield glasses
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"What has surprised me is that none of the healthcare professionals supporting me were aware of AirShield glasses"
I have been able to reduce my eye-drop frequency by more than 50% by wearing moisture chamber glasses
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The 7eye Cape have truly transformed my life
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